
Super Lawyers

Attorney Wood and Attorney Nathanson were both recently named Massachusetts Super Lawyers for 2015 by Thomson Reuters. We are pleased with the recognition from our peers. We are even more excited that, in our everyday work, we simultaneously help protect our clients, protect all the people from government overreaching and preserve our constitution.

Radio appearance for ACLU

On September 1, 2015, Attorney Nathanson appeared on the Farm to Fork radio program on Northampton public radio. He discussed his work with the ACLU in bringing a First Amendment challenge to the federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, explaining that this vague and overbroad statute chills legitimate animal rights activism. Listen to the program here. (Discussion begins at 35:25).

Speedy Trial Presentation

On May 14, 2015, Attorney Wood spoke at the Committee for Public Counsel Services annual conference regarding the right to a speedy trial. He gave attorneys practical suggestions regarding using the Supreme Judicial Court's recent decision in his case Commonwealth v. Taylor. The case established new rules that require prosecutors to provide better justification for delays that result from their failure to produce discovery.

Petition to the Supreme Court

Attorney Nathanson recently filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court challenging the Massachusetts SJC's ruling that his client had to show harm to his case from the denial of his right to a public trial. His client, a young Marine just back from basic training, wanted his family in the courtroom while a jury was selected. But the trial judge ordered everyone out. The Sixth Amendment guarantees a public trial.

MACDL Presentations

Attorneys Wood and Nathanson both presented at the Advanced Post-Conviction Litigation seminar of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. As co-chair of MACDL's Amicus Committee, Attorney Wood presented on the importance of having amicus support and how to solicit it. Attorney Nathanson presented on Petitions for Further Appellate Review to the SJC.

Off To A Great Start!

Attorney Jellison recently won her first case where she was the lead attorney. On appeal to the Appellate Division of the District Court, she secured a finding of not responsible for her client who was charged with speeding. She successfully argued that the defendant should have been allowed to challenge the officer's visual estimate of speed using mathematics and that there was improper foundation for LIDAR evidence.